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 再推荐一篇文章 二子 (2008-04-12 17:20 阅读人次:1943) 



Many Chinese people wonder what is happening these days regarding the Olympics and Tibet and why the West behaves in such an unexplainable way.

I fell very sorry what is happening these days. Is not fair to take hostage of the Olympic games and the World audience for an political issue.

Therefore I tried to write something that may give some explanation and background.

I hope my thoughts are understood the right way, create no offense (if so it was not intended) and help to understand the situation from a perspective from outside of China.

What one may want to consider is the following:

The Dalai Lama has had several decades to criss-cross planet Earth and do a permanent PR-tour. He has given many lectures all over the world, been on many TV-shows and on radio, was interviewed countless times in newspapers and magazines. He has written many books and articles (search for Dalai Lama on www.amazon.com, the biggest online book seller). DL constantly talks about how to lead a good life, be a good person, partner and citizen, do no harm, be peaceful, be respectful, be a loving person and he also talks about how to gain equilibrium, peace of mind, become a thoughtful and balanced personality and many many other things. So over the course of tens of years, the Dalai Lama managed to appear as an embodiment of all positive human traits you can possibly attribute to a human being. So he appears as the proof of an ideal human person who does and cannot do wrong because of his outstanding loving and peaceful character and the ultimate wisdom which he has integrated into his being. The Dalai Lama has become sort of an esoteric, mystic and holy person in the West. He appears as the high priest of being a good human being.

So as it happens to be, when the Dalai Lama appeared on TV and talked about how to find balance and love in your life, at the end of the talk the moderator then asks: "You seem to be a very happy person. Is there something in your life, that you are missing or something that you are unhappy about?" He then would say, that one of his few wishes is to be able to go back to his homeland that he loves and misses so much. And then the discussion about Tibet would start and in the course of that the Dalai Lama would say, that he was forced to leave his beloved homeland because after an uprising of the Tibetians against the oppressive rule of China, he had to fear for his life and had to leave overnight with nothing but his firm belief. And China still would not allow him to go back home even after all those years have passed by and even after he said he only wants cultural independence, nothing else. Nobody however discusses what cultural independence could/would mean. More feelings and spiritual things then details.

In the rest of the world no one, really no one has any idea about life used to be in former times under the rule of the Lamas and the rich people. There is simply no real information or reports available, no pictures, no stories, no TV features, no books, nothing. All we hear is in conjunction with the Dalai Lama. We have no clue about what it meant to be a serf in the former Tibetian serf systems. Nobody knows what could have and did happen(d) to a disobedient serf and his family. To rest of the world it appears that China has invaded Tibet against its will and has robbed the land unlawfully and now is exploiting its natural resources for Chinas own good. Tibet was always very far away and remote from us, nobody paid any attention really, all we saw was the DL and we heard stories about Lama monks with special wisdom, meditation exercises and how to become enlightend and how peaceful all of the Tebetians and especially the Lamas were (no harm, not even allowed to kill a fly, etc.).

Because mediation, self reflection, self-finding methods, spirituality etc. etc. are en vogue these days, many people also adore the DL since they project their own inter-personal (spiritual) shortcomings (which everybody has) onto the (holy) DL. Because many people believe the wise DL has the ancient wisdom and secret knowledge that could potentially help to finally heal a person's hurt soul.

So the reception of the DL in the West was completely different form the picture of the DL in China.

Now, think about what happens these days. There is an uproar in Lhasa and the Chinese government makes harsh comments, sends military personal, accuses the DL that he only tells lies and the DL is a really bad person, almost a beast. This is a message understood and perceived completely differently in China and in the rest of the world. In China people of course have more knowledge about the history of Tibet and have a different understanding of politics in general as well because of a different history. The rest of the world simply has now concept of how to deal with this and they do not know what they don't know. They think, that they "know" that the DL is very fine person with all the good attributes you can assign to a human being. And then a disgruntled (because angry) Chinese government official says that the DL is a bad and violent liar. This is completely against the current model of world which the West has and they have no "logical" explanation about why someone would call such a wonderful person (DL) a liar. So many think, that if the DL is so wonderful because he has "proven" it and someone else says something bad about the DL, so maybe the person who has a bad opinion about the DL has an hidden agenda or he himself might be bad person (think about a person you really like and someone else bad-mouthes him/her). This looks logical, because if you have a "proven" good person and someone calls him bad, then the other one is wrong for whatever reason. And then you think what the bad reasons could be to call the other person (the DL) a bad person. All of this happens unconsciously, this is what makes it so effective. It's all psychology.

So this is all about different perception, different model of the world, and of psychology.

What to do?

I think that China may consider to have a separate message for the rest of the world. No harsh words about the DL because those are utterly counterproductive, they only will have a negative effect as of now. Give details that lets the Western audience allow to build a new opinion. Give background information, reports, pictures, high-resolution downloads and the like. Send educated and nice people to Western talk-shows. Have Tibetians appear on a Western TV show and let him/her give his perspective. How was life for an ordinary person in former Tibet?? What were the habits of those monks and feudalists? How did they treat their underlings? What were the practices and daily routines of the Lamas? Were they respectful to ordinary citizens? How did the life and the rights of women look like?? What were successful projects in Tibet were Chinese and Tibetians cooperated very successfully and in friendship? Are there any happy marriages between Han-Chinese and Tibet-people? Were Tibetian kids allowed to go to school in China, how did they like it and did they have a successful career? And so on and so forth. Don't attack because an attack always provokes a defense. Do it the indirect way, this is much more powerful and lasting. I understand that you may be angry, but if you are just angry and say angry things the Westerners only understand this as a confirmation of what they currently have in their mind. Patiently explain things, give background information, give details and talk about how you feel in todays China. So do it piece-by-piece, step-by-step show and explain how you see the situation.

And by the way, the West normally is very irritated if a religious leader demands political influence. But when it comes to the DL, nobody seems to notice that. They always talk about the religious leader respectively the spiritual leader of the Tibetian society. China has not addressed this in the Western media and did not yet talk about what it means to mix religion and political power etc..

Good luck with the Olympic Games!

I cross my fingers for you!

Best wishes and greetings from Germany.



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  回复[1]: 自己顶一下 二子 (2008-04-12 17:23)  



  回复[2]:  蛇 (2008-04-12 17:48)  
  > 结果发现这个德国佬把我要说的全都说了


> ... DL appears as the proof of an ideal human person who does and cannot do wrong because of his outstanding loving and peaceful character and the ultimate wisdom which he has integrated into his being ...

> ... China still would not allow him to go back home even after all those years have passed by and even after he said he only wants cultural independence, nothing else ...

> .... In the rest of the world no one, really no one has any idea about life used to be in former times under the rule of the Lamas and the rich people ...

> ... All we hear is in conjunction with the Dalai Lama. We have no clue about what it meant to be a serf in the former Tibetian serf systems ...


> What to do?

> I think that China should show ... how ... what ... how ... what ... how ... what ...

> ... do it piece-by-piece, step-by-step show and explain how you see the situation ...

> ... China has not addressed this in the Western media and did not yet talk about what it means to mix religion and political power etc ...


unnecessary addition:

no new point of view!

  回复[3]: 欺负俺们不识洋文的 陈某 (2008-04-12 17:59)  

  回复[4]: ????? 二子 (2008-04-12 18:01)  
  > no new point of view??

我想这人写这个不是为了“new“ point of view

new 不new的有什么关系,关键是他说的有道理。

这篇文章不是要解决什么问题,是说怎么看问题。他说过要figure out why,然后再fix它?





in or out?

who care?

  回复[5]: 其实人家说的是最根本的问题 二子 (2008-04-12 18:06)  






  回复[6]:  蛇 (2008-04-12 18:32)  


> 西方正在被“一叶障目”,“叶”当然是DL。

> 中国应该怎么做?

> 1)向世界展示59(58?)年后的成就,最好要有59年前的比较数据 -> 赢得西方赞扬

> 2)要强调“政教合一” -> 引起西方厌恶



  回复[7]: 崩溃了! 二子 (2008-04-12 20:40)  








  回复[8]:  蛇 (2008-04-12 21:00)  



> 为什么会招致你的反感







> 其他人不过是道听途说,纸上谈兵罢了


  回复[9]: 那么我继续有问题了 二子 (2008-04-12 21:33)  








事实上,我没看出来他在为共产党支招儿。我一直在提醒你注意他对DL的分析。他在反思一件事情,就是西方人自己对西藏的认识从何而来。我不知道他的分析是否可一代表西方人的真正思想,但是有一点是肯定的,他没有形而上的讨论human right,讨论民主,自由,他的思考直接针对问题本身。






  回复[10]:  書記 (2008-04-12 21:42)  

  回复[11]:  蛇 (2008-04-12 21:58)  



  回复[12]: 错了 二子 (2008-04-12 22:16)  




  回复[13]: 要公投了? 科长 (2008-04-12 22:31)  

  回复[14]:  蛇 (2008-04-12 22:35)  
  > 我认为你的反感不是来自支的招儿,而是给谁支招


> 关于西藏问题,按照我看到的,这里只有夏夏亲历过些什么,其他人不过是道听途说,纸上谈兵罢了。


> 对藏独的态度和对本拉登的态度



  回复[15]: 恩。就是这个问题了 二子 (2008-04-12 22:47)  







  回复[16]:  蛇 (2008-04-12 22:52)  




  回复[17]: ok 二子 (2008-04-12 22:54)  


  回复[18]:  黑白子 (2008-04-12 23:09)  



  回复[19]:  期刊 (2008-04-13 00:08)  



  回复[20]:  王者非王 (2008-04-14 10:03)  

  回复[21]: 非王先生是当局者还是旁观者? 我是局长 (2008-04-14 10:28)  

  回复[22]: 19楼啊 我是局长 (2008-04-14 10:32)  




  回复[23]:  蛇 (2008-04-14 12:35)  
  > 分析入木三分




> 这篇文章不是要解决什么问题,是说怎么看问题。他说过要figure out why,然后再fix它?


> 他说的西方人在举起呐喊的那一刻,根本没有了解tibet,也没有真正试图去了解tibet。

> 然后建议双方交流

↑这点是我和2子最大的争议,也就是原文what to do?的后两段。


因为what to do?之前一直在说达赖如何如何,西方如何如何被达赖一叶樟目了,达赖不等于西藏,但是,what to do?之后突然笔锋一转,说中国该如何如何,而且特别地,中国没有向西方强调达赖集团是“政教合一”,而不是说西方应该如何主动去了解情况,如何主动去交流,所以,怎么感觉都是在“支招”,当然也可以说是建议中国去主动“交流”。


切~~~ 想当年,连西方记者都不让进藏(现在是不是自由进藏就不清楚了),如果只听GCD的一面之词,还“交流”个屁啊!!!





如果这个德国佬在what to do?之后建议:



个人觉得,如果what to do?之后这样搞一搞、弄一弄还有点参考价值。(瞎白活~~~

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