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趙然 (发表日期:2011-04-24 10:45:14 阅读人次:2137 回复数:4)


 回复[1]: 新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 南海浪 (2011-04-24 19:42:46)  
  谢谢赵先生的歌,小生也点一首老歌。听说在纽约唐人街还很有人气,叫Golden Cha Cha Cha,不知道谁唱的:



 回复[2]: 跟首老歌 待于泥= (2011-04-24 23:35:46)  

 回复[3]:  邓星 (2011-04-25 15:50:36)  

 回复[4]: 自我陶醉 南海浪 (2011-04-26 22:12:40)  

(英語)There's a rainbow in the sky, fresh in colors of elite. Lighting up the nights in my mind. All my dreams have come alive, All my trouble's been tonight, All my pain have come to an end ...... Now that you've come to my life, I will make you my wife. I wish i can ask you to have some children of our own. Wonderful world, wonderful life, in which we'll leave and live, Two days and nights we'll sing, until the end of our time.

(粵語) 望向青葱那歲月,春與秋經風與浪,一生相伴也響往,像有千般愛與恨,跟你喝杯解困愁,傾出千象仍未夠。 踏過千山已仰望,舉世清風於宇宙,喜歡相敘與相守,共你一起戲踏浪,擁抱心中的愛神,永不分離難自禁。 心慌似鴛鴦一般,已經化蝶成夢,但那人世之間始終有悲痛萬種。 願我心內,亦有希望,抹掉眼淚暗湧,再讓那夢已空,溫暖目光同往。

(國語) 看似個鴛鴦蝴蝶,不應該的年代,可是誰又能擺脫人世間的悲哀。 花花世界,鴛鴦蝴蝶,在人間已是癲,何苦要上青天,不如溫柔同眠。



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